
首頁 /藥靶模型 /藥靶細胞 /免疫治療 /FOXP3 promoter-Luc/Jurkat

FOXP3 promoter-Luc/Jurkat


詢 價
I. Background
Foxp3, belonging to the forkhead family, is a master transcription factor that expresses exclusively in regulatory T cells, a subset of CD4+ T cells. Regulation of Foxp3 is critical for maintaining immunological tolerance. Over-expression of Foxp3 is known to suppress effector T cell activation.
II. Description

Human Foxp3 luciferase reporter construct is stably integrated into the genome of Jurkat T- cells. The firefly luciferase gene is controlled by a human Foxp3 promoter and an enhancer-like conserved noncoding sequence upstream of the Foxp3 promoter. 

Figure 1. Illustration of Foxp3 promoter region with representative transcription factor binding sites and enhancer regions.

III. Introduction
Host Cell: Jurkat
Expressed gene: Foxp3-Luciferase
Stability: 32 passages (in-house test, that not means the cell line will be instable beyond the passages we tested.)
Synonym(s): Foxp3, Foxp3 cell line, scurfin cell line, foxo
Freeze Medium: 90% FBS+10% DMSO
Culture Medium: RPMI-1640+10%FBS+1 ug/ml puromucin
Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Application(s): Functional(Report Gene) Assay


IV. Description of Host Cell Line

Organism: Homo sapiens, human
Tissue: Peripheral blood
Disease: Acute T cell leukemia
Morphology: Lymphoblast
Growth Properties: Suspension
Ⅴ. Representative Data

Figure 1. Detect Luciferase assay by Ultra Luciferase Detection Kit CBPH0001(we strongly suggest to purchase from Cobioer). Foxp3 Jurkat Reporter Activity in response to PMA with lonomycin.

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